Friday, July 12, 2013

Lovin' Bloglovin'

Well, many of my local colleagues have noticed that in the last year I have an addiction.  About 1 & 1/2 years ago I bought an iPad then my addiction began about 6 months Pinterest.  What an amazing world for educators!!!!! So many amazing ideas all in one place.  When I am happy, stressed, sad, frustrated....I Pinterest.  It is my time to both escape the real world and revitalize my love of teaching.  I always tell everyone that it is the perfect way to sneak a peek into other classrooms.  Pinterest has provided many hours of joy and inspiration for both myself and my students!

But alas, I have many, many, many pins and have started utilizing many of these ideas at both my home and classroom.  I am by no means stopping my pins, but I have jumped into a new hobby this summer.  I am starting my own blog and thus my NEW addiction has started!

On my journey through many educational blogs I discovered Bloglovin'.  Bloglovin' is a great site where you can follow your favorite blogs.  I just added my blog to Bloglovin'. There is also an app!  Check it out for hours of fun!

1 comment:

  1. I love my bloglovin' app on my iPhone too! It's great to catch up on blog reading when I'm waiting on something, or just to unwind, like you said! I'm a new follower via Bloglovin', and found your blog from Farley's link up!
